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USA, Italy and India comes together for the welfare of mankind

We Designed this concept for Mind, Body and Soul.
Women’s and Men’s in corporate sector are Suffering from Pains, Stress and Diseases. We give them relief by Ayurveda, Body Movement, Music Therapy, Alternative Medicines and Ancient knowledge of India as well as Allopathy.

People’s lifestyles have been changed and it affects their day-to-day life. Stress and unhealthy food are the major reasons for mental and physical health problems. 

Our experienced and expert team has started to work for human health and wealth development.

In this concept Susan Hunter-USA is training Men’s and Women’s for physical and mental fitness. She trains people for body movement by using various dance forms, exercise, sports or fun indoor games. She believes a combination of Live Indian Classical Music, Meditation, and Yoga gives the fastest results for reducing stress and, to release toxins from the body. And her method is popular nowadays for better mind and physical health.

Vaibhav Sontakke-India is a Music Therapist. He and his team are creating customized music using Indian Classical Ragas. It has been proved that Indian Classical Ragas give health benefits in various diseases and for better performance enhancement. His therapy helped to Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health issues patients. He also helped corporations, helping sports people with performance enhancement in their career development.  . 

We have our community named as “UMINITYY”. This community is working for Health and Wealth benefits of corporate community.
(Download from android play store – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.webprint.uminity)

Benefits or Features of this community –

1) To Meet – Transformation of Mind-Body-Soul by innovative way

2) To Meet – International Artist with LIVE Music

3) To Meet – International Health Celebrities

4) To Meet – Happy Souls those who are living in various countries

5) To Meet – in Various Fun Events at various part of the world

6) To Meet – in Health Training Online & Destination Locations

7) To Meet – Kindness for helping others by donations

8) To Meet – for Exchange of Culture that is Food, Art, Dance, Literature etc.

9) To Meet – Luxury Life

10) To Meet – Healthy and Wealthy Life

11) To Meet – Financial Freedom by Cost cutting concept

12) To Meet – Nature, Animals for kindness

13) To Meet – Sports Activities 

Webinar for Meet another life

SUSAN HUNTER,USA – Nutritionist & Women’s Fitness Expert

DENISE BASCHIROTTO, Italy – Phyto Therapist, Music Therapist and Women’s Wellness Coach

VAIBHAV SONTAKKE, India, Navi Mumbai – Music Therapist, Corporate Trainer

This Webinar is for Corporate Health, Women`s Health & their Families. World Health Leaders are coming to guide on Corporate Health/Women`s Health. Webinar is based on Herbal Solutions, Alternative Medicines, Music Therapy, Nutritional Program and other social & Relationship aspects.