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Physiotherapy and Physiotherapist in India Navi Mumbai

Physiotherapy treatment for health and post operative treatment available in CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, India. 

UNCCN Corporate Clinics is working on various health issues -

Fractures, Cardiopulmonary rehab, Tennis elbow, Student elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Gout, Paraesthesia, Chest Physiotherapy, Postural pain, Poor posture correction, CVA, Frozen shoulder, Hamstring pull, Radial nerve palsy, Ulnar nerve palsy, Foot drop, Degenerative disc disease, Sciatica, AVN, TKR Rehabilitation, THR Rehabilitation, Post operative Rehabilitation,  Ligament injuries of any joint, Tendon injury, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylosis, Plantar fasciitis, Peripheral neuropathy, Diabetic neuropathy, Polyneuropathy, RTA, Post fracture Rehabilitation, Muscular pain and stiffness, Paralysis, Bell’s palsy, Facial palsy,
Parkinson’s disease, Brain stroke,  TIA, Ataxia, Motor neuron disease, Trigeminal neuropathy, Fybromyalgia of neck and shoulder, Pain and stiffness, Rehabilitation or ADL of diabetic patients, COPD, Cervicogenic headache, Cervical radiculopathy, Cervical spondylitis, Cervical spondylosis, Spinal stenosis, Herniated disc, Vertebral fracture,

Physio Theraphy and Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that focuses on the prevention, treatment, and management of physical conditions, disorders, and injuries. Physiotherapists use a range of techniques and treatment modalities to help patients improve their physical function, reduce pain and discomfort, and enhance their overall quality of life.


One of the key principles of physiotherapy is a patient-centered approach. This means that physiotherapists work closely with their patients to understand their unique needs and goals, and to develop individualized treatment plans that are tailored to their specific circumstances. This approach ensures that patients receive the best possible care and achieve the best possible outcomes.


Another important aspect of physiotherapy is evidence-based practice. This means that physiotherapists use treatments and techniques that have been proven to be effective through scientific research and clinical experience. By using evidence-based practice, physiotherapists can ensure that their patients receive the most effective and up-to-date treatments available.


Physiotherapists use a range of techniques and treatment modalities to help patients achieve their goals. These may include exercise programs, manual therapy, education about healthy lifestyle habits, and the use of technology such as wearable sensors and virtual reality. Exercise programs are often a key component of physiotherapy, as they can help to improve strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance.


Manual therapy techniques, such as massage and joint mobilization, can help to reduce pain and discomfort, improve joint mobility, and enhance overall physical function. Education about healthy lifestyle habits, such as proper nutrition and sleep habits, can also be an important component of physiotherapy.


In addition, physiotherapists use technology to enhance their treatment approach. For example, wearable sensors can be used to monitor movement and provide feedback to patients about their progress. Virtual reality can be used to provide pain management and to help patients visualize and practice movements and exercises.


Overall, physiotherapy is a dynamic and rapidly evolving profession that plays a critical role in helping patients improve their physical function and quality of life. Whether you are recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or simply looking to improve your overall health and well-being, a physiotherapist can help you to achieve your goals and live your best life.

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